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Can you survive this? And buyers and investors news

From: Menno
Sent on: Tuesday, August 2, 2016, 8:48 AM

Jumping 25,000ft (7620m)

Without a parachute…

Would you do it?

Have you seen the video of the first man in the world to jump and land without a parachute (I will leave a link for you to watch it at the end of this email if you missed it). And here I was thinking investing and starting a business was risky.
In all seriousness though investing is not risky, only an uneducated investor is risky. Even jumping 25,000 feet without a parachute is not risky if you have practiced, taken all the necessary precautions and if you have a plan even this can be done as you will see in the video.

So what does this mean? It means that the things that you think are scary are not that scary at all. It means that if you want greater success you can keep improving to achieve even more than you already are. It also means that you should, get yourself educated, make a plan, put in place precautions and practice. It really is that simple.

If you have done all the above but are still not reaching your goals, there may be a blockage or you are investing in an area that does not inspire you and you are not motivated. If this is the case get in touch with me.

This month we have a bumper month in our 3 clubs. We have an event to suit everyone.
Also please keep in mind if you are a cashflow player that the venue for our Saturday game has been changed because we have outgrown our old venue. We will now be playing at the hanging ladder in Balmain. 485A Darling St, Balmain. And the game will include a delicious assortment of gourmet breakfast choices.

* On the 3rd of August we have an exclusive business dinner for all you business owners. The event includes dinner, guest speaker (this week ‘being more productive throughout your day and getting more done in a shorter period of time’), networking and a recording of the event and lots of time for questions and answers. [If you can’t make it you can purchase a recording of the event so you do not miss out].
• Learn from the best.
• Have a high quality meal with a business coach and an expert guest speaker who will talk about topics relevant to your business
• Come and surround yourself with a handpicked group of successful business owners willing to share their time and knowledge
• The dinner is informal and you will have plenty of time to ask questions and network. We guarantee you will leave the dinner a step closer to your goals and ready to implement some new things to grow your business the very next day
It is essential you RSVP and prepay for this one to get the early bird price!


* On the 10th of August we have a presentation on how to accelerate your property portfolio growth. Learn how to
• Buy a property with only $65,000
• In some cases with ZERO cash
• Build a portfolio faster than you may think possible
• The 9 steps to building that portfolio
• How to build your portfolio in the most time efficient way possible (so you can keep your social life and continue to enjoy time with your family)

If this interests you RSVP using this link:

* And for those of you who like stocks or want to invest your real estate profits (or grow your deposits faster) we will be having a presentation on how you can earn a rental income from the stock market.

• Learn the step by step system on how to safely invest on the stock market and reduce your risks and increase your profits
• Learn the main reasons why some people always lose money on the stock market and the main strategies others use to constantly make money
• Specific parameters used by the most successful investors for picking rock solid quality companies at bargain prices
• A strategy on how you can get a rental income from your shares, without even selling them and generate a monthly cash inflow regardless of whether the market is going up, down or sideways
• How to insure your shares, which is very important when the market is high
• The benefits of joining an investment community of like-minded people and how you can do this and how you can benefit by helping each other be more effective and profitable and all with the support of experienced investors

To RSVP for this amazing event RSVP here:

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