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Welcome to H.M.S. Beagle - A Voyage of Science Discovery In Parkville, Mo.

From: cole m.
Sent on: Monday, October 15, 2012, 8:06 PM
This is a great shop of science, the H.M.S. Beagle in Parkville, Mo.  They have children classes, adult classes, special events like fireworks in the parking lot, observing the stars and offer all kinds of science gifts for adults, children and grandchildren and much, much more. What an exciting place! This is the only shop of it's kind in the Kansas City area.  I keep going back just to visit and also to buy gifts for my grandchildren. You'll love John and his staff!  A VERY FRIENDLY PLACE. CHECK IT OUT.

H.M.S. Beagle: the Store

STORE HOURS: Mon: 12:00 (Noon)-7:00 pm; Tue-Thu: 10:00 am-7:00 pm; Fri: 10:00 am-8:00 pm; Sat: 10:00 am-7:00 pm; Sun: 12:00 Noon)-5:00 pm.

Welcome to H.M.S. Beagle!  Your natural selection for science fun!
We invite you to join us as you explore the world of science … from rock collecting to star gazing to robotics! We have what you need for your next science adventure, DIY project or research!
We invite you to visit our store in Historic Parkville, Missouri, or our online store. We have telescopes (and all the accessories you want!); microscopes; chemistry sets, labware and chemicals (over 600 different chemicals and chemical elements); rockets; and robotics. We have a great selection of posters and science books for adults and students. Plus, we have the largest selection of minerals and fossils in the Kansas City area.
Our Pebbles and Plants (K - 3rd grade) and Young Scientists (4th – 8th grade) Science Clubs meet monthly. Our adult science club, The Beagle Society, provides opportunities to learn about the newest science discoveries and a learning community for amateur and professional scientists.
We are a great resource for students and teachers in public, private and home schools. We’re also Greater Kansas City’s project resource for makers, hackers and DIYers; we sponsor MAKE: KC, the folks who brought the Maker Faires to Kansas City.
Each month we offer workshops on a variety of science topics, from building rockets to robotics projects to making perfume from essential oils. Our free Star Parties are a great way to learn about the night sky and using a telescope. Annual events include October Skies (Rocket Science Day) and student fossil digs. We also offer The HMS Beagle Science Fair Academy, a one-week day camp in the summer for students in 4th through 8th grades where they learn about the scientific method and research and how to properly do a Science Fair project.
H.M.S. Beagle is an independent, locally owned business since 2004. The Beagle Crew includes a chemist, astronomer, geologist and paleontologist.  Do you need a mineral identified; do you think you have found a meteorite?  How about help with your telescope?  Or help putting together a custom chemistry set? Or find that perfect gift for a budding scientist? We offer personal service and technical advice.
Come by and see us and join the science fun!

Cole Morgan[masked]