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Info Session - Startup Leadership Program

From: Pete O.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 12, 2016, 10:47 AM
Hello entrepreneurs,

You might be interested in this program.  It's very comprehensive, covering more than just Lean Startup, looking at all aspects of building a business. I've been on their panels and chatted with several graduates, and they all have spoken highly of the collaborative nature. As it was described to me, they accept entrepreneurs with a wide range of skills and then you teach each other throughout 6 months based of rotating expertise, with additional sessions with local experts.

From their intro statement:
"SLP is a six month long program that started in Boston in 2006 and has spread to over 27 cities in 12 countries since. The program consists primarily of a curriculum designed to give founders a crash course in starting a business and aspires to connect them with the resources & people who can help them grow.

We're currently in the process of recruiting great entrepreneurs to join next year's cohort and are hosting two informational/educationa­l events this month.

The first of these will be at WeWork Dupont Circle on July 19th:­

SLP is a non-profit organization that takes ZERO equity. We're 100% focused on building the startup ecosystem and helping grow great leaders."

Pete Oliver-Krueger
MillionMunkeys • rewarding good
[address removed]