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Re: [scala-phase] Scala by the Bay CFP

From: Michael C.
Sent on: Thursday, March 31, 2016, 7:11 PM
Do you think they would be at all interested in an F#/Scala comparison?

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 31, 2016, at 4:43 PM, "Brian Clapper" <[address removed]> wrote:

In case you’re going to be in the Bay Area in October and want to give a talk.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Alexy Khrabrov <[address removed]>
Subject: Scala By the Bay 2016 CFP
Date: March 31, 2016 at 4:19:24 PM EDT
To: Brian Clapper <[address removed]>

Brian -- can you please share it with the Philadelphia Scala meetup?


Scala By the Bay (SBTB) is in its fourth year.  It is more than just a software engineering conference, which it is in spades.  It is now three such conferences, spanning five days.  It is the biggest Scala community in the world -- that of the San Francisco Bay Area.  It is SF Scala, the biggest Scala meetup in the world, now over 3,000 members, several closely-related Spark meetups, with about 10,000 members combined, a growing Reactive.Community, and other OSS groups.

In 2016, we've added two major parts to the conference sequence, making Scala By the Bay the longest Scala conference in the recorded history of humankind. FinagleCon, the first Twitter Stack conference, started SBTB, with Marius Eriksen keynoting (thus transitively preserving the tradition whereby Marius opened all SBTBs).  FinagleCon made major strides in bringing the world to Twitter OSS and Twitter OSS to the world.  Companies like Buoyant, Criteo, Pinterest, SoundCloud and others shared their use of Finagle.  This year, SBTB partners with Twitter from the very beginning to run a joint CFP and integrate Twitter Stack -- all of it, not just Finagle -- into the conference.  With Big Data Scala becoming Big Data Pipelines, we're opening the floor to systems like Heron and Flink, naturally complementing Scala on the JVM (which is one of the key points of Scala).  Twitter OSS will now be an integral part of the SBTB, which is the first two-day part of the 2016 sequence (October 17-18).

Big Data Scala (BDS) also started in 2015, setting the bar very high from the get go.  It was keynoted by Martin Odersky, Matei Zaharia, Mike Olson, Jay Kreps, and Debora Donato, outlining end-to-end nature of the big data pipelines -- from data engineering to data science.  Big Data Scala will expand to Big Data Pipelines, allowing for Java-first systems to be presented, while retaining its rigorous focus on thoughtful software engineering, composable abstractions, and end-to-end integration of scalable engineering and advanced machine learning.  BDS remains the second two-day part of the overall SBTB, running from October 19-20.

The third part we're introducing this year is called Startup Technology.  It consists of everything else you need to run your data pipelines, including devops, developer productivity tools such as continuous integration, testing, IDEs, and everything else that makes building systems, teams, and enjoying coding better.  Full stack development goes here, welcoming Scala.js, GraphQL, Play/Lift+Angular/React setups, and everything else working with Scala (or even by itself!).

Please submit one or more talks, as separate entries, at by May 31st.

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