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New Event: SEMpdx Presents: SEM Six-Pack

From: Todd M.
Sent on: Thursday, October 11, 2007, 4:42 PM
Announcing a new event for The Portland Search Engine Optimization Meetup Group!

What: SEMpdx Presents: SEM Six-Pack

When: Tuesday, November 13, 5:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: SEMpdx Presents: SEM Six-Pack

SEM Six-Pack is an innovative learning event created to meet the needs of local search engine marketing (SEM) professionals and the business community. The Six Pack will feature 6 different speakers presenting on 6 unique topics relating to SEM techniques and trends for 15 minutes each.

Speakers & Topics:

Kent Lewis, President of Anvil Media, Inc.: SEM-PR: Kent will outline key strategies and tactics for a winning SEM PR program

Ben Lloyd, President of Amplify Interactive Content is King: Ben will outline why content is king for SEO, and will provide examples

Scott Hendison, aka the Search Commander: Leveraging Blogs, Feeds & RSS: Why and how to use these tools to beat the competition.

Tom Hale of Thomas Creek Concepts: Metric Strategies for Google AdWords: Google AdWords is a dynamic, immense, perplexing, real time auction. Many that participate in this auction do so while bidding blindly. Don't be one of the many.

Sean McMahon of EngineWorks: Social Media Optimization (SMO): Using social media content to increase qualified traffic and improve in-bound links.

Stan Davis of Straight On Consulting: SEO Joy - Starting Off on the Right Foot: How well-structured content, natural link bait, and expert use of style sheets make search engine optimization a joy.

For more information and to purchase tickets, please click the following link:

Learn more here:

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