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New Meetup: Let's GO to "Funny-Bone Heaven" - SCAPIN at ACT and Save 50%! - Limited Avail.

From: rick h.
Sent on: Friday, September 10, 2010, 11:02 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Bay Area Theatre Lovers!

What: Let's GO to "Funny-Bone Heaven" - SCAPIN at ACT and Save 50%! - Limited Avail.

When: Saturday, September 25,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $22.00 per person

Where: American Conservatory Theater
415 Geary St
San Francisco, CA 94102

Experience the comic genius of my favorite playwright (Moliere) and favorite living clown! (You may have seen him on Sesame Street!) This show promises to be the comedy event of the season and I have access to a limited number of Mezzanine Seats at the LOW price of just $22! But ACT now... seats are going FAST!

"Bill Irwin and Scapin? It's a match made in funny-bone heaven."
?The Seattle Times

"A vicarious lesson in the fine art of comic madness."
?The New York Times

"A delightfully timeless farce"

"Bill Irwin is a love child of Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, Marcel Marceau, and Danny Kaye."
?The New York Times

"Actor, playwright, director, choreographer, clown?the remarkable Bill Irwin defies categorization."
?PBS Great Performances

Farce Takes Flight! - A Bill Irwin Tour De Force
by Moli?re
Adapted by Bill Irwin and Mark O'Donnell
Directed by Bill Irwin

Two-time Tony Award winner Bill Irwin (A.C.T.'s Fool Moon, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? on Broadway, the award-winning film Rachel Getting Married) returns to the Bay Area in Moli?re's chaotic classic. In this lively baggy-pants comedy, the rascally title character balances his penchant for mayhem and mischief with a promise to help two pairs of wide-eyed lovers. Joined by a dazzling ensemble of Bay Area favorites, fellow alumni of San Francisco's beloved Pickle Family Circus, and rising young stars, Irwin whips commedia dell'arte, live music, and his trademark sophisticated clowning into a frenzy, transforming this 17th-century farce of mistaken identities and mishaps into a sparkling theatrical event perfect for all ages.

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