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Hey VCP!!

From: Larry D H.
Sent on: Thursday, November 10, 2011, 11:31 AM



Hey Very Cool Peeps!


Wow, another big night!  May be the biggest night yet...I like that its a Friday, Saturday nights are good but they can be a little too crowded.  I like that so many cool people are coming tomorrow night.  I also like that its my birthday, well almost.  My dad wanted me born on Veterans Day but I was in no hurry and decided to show my face (and the rest of me) at 12:20am on the 12th...I haven't celebrated being born in a very long time, it's about time! what better place to celebrate than the RR and who better to celebrate with than you....  Thanks for coming!


I will bring the buttons this time so we can tell whose in the group.  We will meet in the usual place (see map below) There is an early show and we don't get in free for that one.  When there's an early show they start letting us in at 745 pm, if you get there earlier than that you will probably have to wait outside.  Also when there's an early show getting a place to sit is a little harder..  People may already be in our area so we will have to grab the seats when they leave.  I suggest everyone get there as close to 8pm as possible, the music starts at about 9pm and getting a seat and talking to others gets a little more challenging.  Don't forget to tell the doorman your a VCP to get in free. 



I really look forward to seeing you all tomorrow,


Your Organizer,

Larry Head


all replies will come to me only


Look for Leonard and his blue's hat!!




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