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Huge night!

From: Larry D H.
Sent on: Friday, December 23, 2011, 11:41 AM



Hey all you Very Cool Peeps!


Its time to celebrate the holidays at the Rhythm Room!   Between this group and the Phx Singles there will be at least 250 people there tonight. Make sure you bring a coat as you may need to go out on the patio to talk or just get away from it all. 

The Phx Singles have been coming here for a long time, I started this group about 9 months ago because of the great times I had when they did come here.  They only come every three months or so.  We meet here about twice a month now and it couldn't be more fun!  When you sign in at the front door tell them your a VCP or with Larrys group to get in free...if you belong to the Phx singles too I know they have their own password but please say your with this group (VCP)  to get in free...there is power in numbers and the more of us that come through the doors the more good things we can get done in the future. The Phx Singles are just visiting, this is our home.


Welcome to all you new members, you will feel welcome with this group.  Tonight it may be difficult to tell what group is what.  I know the Phx Singles hand out glow sticks and we have little peace sign buttons, I doubt anyone will care if you wear a glow stick or not.  We as a group we don't use glow sticks on a regular basis because we don't want the staff to associate us with any other group that may or may not take good care of them like we do..  The staff at the RR loves our group I can assure you :)


Look forward to seeing you tonight.  Please come say hi to me if I don't see you first.  If your having any problems with anyone please see me or Leonard (big man with the hat)  The Rhythm Room is a very safe place, I have frequented this place for about 7 years and have never heard of any problems or seen any fights.


Please drive safe, its a holiday weekend and there may be some seriously drunk folks out there...


If anyone knows where they list the DUI checkpoints or if they even have them please let me know.


Thanks for being so cool!


Your Organizer

Larry Head




here is where we usually meet, tonight may be way too crowded but we can try  :0

see you soon!





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