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A Larry "Heads UP" !!!

From: Larry D H.
Sent on: Friday, July 3, 2015, 5:11 PM


Hey Cool Peeps!!!


Happy Fourth of July!!.


Wanted to wish you a Happy Fourth and let you know of an other event this weekend. I'm headed to a big Meetup event out in Scottsdale at the

Black & Blue American Grill

9343 E Shea Blvd Suite B135, Scottsdale, AZ

I've never been to this place so I was curious if this venue was taking the business Elis' used to get.  I know the Phx Singles Meetup has a 120 plus people signed up to go and I don't think there's a cover.  Eli's house band I hear will be playing... The place will be probably be packed so expect a crowd.  Eli's Grill is closed now and rumor has it this is where to go now on the north end of Scottsdale. Their event starts at 830pm.  I'm taking the trip to Scottsdale to check it out later and hoping to bump into a few VCP on the dance floor.

Love ya all!

Larry Head


all replies will come to me only.