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Exciting News: The new Main Organizer will be Joan!

From: Samsara
Sent on: Thursday, July 16, 2015, 9:52 PM

Hi everyone,

I have some really exciting news to share.  As mentioned last time, I'm stepping down as the Main Organizer because (not being a wealthy woman), I can't afford to pay the dues since Meetup raised the prices to $240 per group per year.

Luckily, our wonderful co-organizer, Joan, is stepping up to take over.  If you've been out with Joan to one of her events, you know that she's a truly lovely person and so much fun to socialize with.  And if you met her haven't, do it, because trust me, she makes everyone feel very welcome.  The other co-organizers Kathy and Faina will also be here (they're great ladies to go out with too).  Happy days!

Thank you all so much for having me since Scott passed away.  It was such a privilege and a true honour.  I really enjoyed hanging out with everyone I met along the way.  Please stay in touch!  For now, I'll still organize for my group (I got donations for those dues) and perhaps we'll combine group events in the future.

All the very best and say hello to Joan!


(I truly thank you Joan.)

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