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Re: [tennis-240] Sunday tennis?

From: Cara
Sent on: Saturday, April 21, 2012, 8:43 PM
Hi Carol,

I played this morning, and I was hitting a lot better by the end of the session.  I can sometimes play last minute, depending on how much "homework" I have myself (ie...correcting and planning lessons).  Thanks for keeping me in mind.  We will have to stay in touch, and I definitely will hit with you again.

Take care and enjoy the rest of the weekend,


-----Original Message-----
From: [address removed]
Sent: Sat, 21 Apr[masked]:49:23 -0400
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [tennis-240] Sunday tennis?

Hi. Could have played today-not sure if you could ever play last minute. Kids had homework other stuff so I didn't know this until today. Woudln't have been that great-too much yard work lately-can't this Sunday and next weekend have out f town guests if you can play last minute-like within 2 hours of finding out let me know and I will get a hold of you when I can if I am available last minute. Carol 
On 04/21/12, Cara<[address removed]> wrote:
Hello all,

Just wondering if anybody would be up for hitting tomorrow at any point.



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