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Reminder - SPS June Meeting, Friday Night, June 6, 7:30pm

From: President - Debra M.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 4, 2014, 10:36 PM

Join us for our June meeting this Friday night, June 6th at 7:30 pm. Reminder that this is the last night that you can pay your dues to qualify for submitting entries to the 2014 SPS ACP Show at Tudor Square in Avondale Estates.

Our speaker and judge will be Peter Essick, a photographer for 25 years, whose main interest is in nature and environmental issues. Peter has been named one of the 40 most influential nature photographers in the world by Outdoor Photography Magazine.  Go to for more about Peter. The title of Peter’s talk is "The Ansel Adams Wilderness." This is a wilderness area in the Sierra Nevada Mountains were Ansel Adams did a lot of his early work. Peter did a National Geographic Magazine story about the area and also a National Geographic Book. He will talk about how he got interested in doing the project and the creative process behind it.

June’s competition theme is "Fins and Feathers." If it has fins or feathers, it qualifies.

Nuff said! See you Friday!



Michael Boatright, President. Southeastern Photographic Society

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