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Learn more about the upcoming changes in this article;

Correct Link For Class - Wordpress Training Online - $10 Limited Time Special

From: Startup S.
Sent on: Sunday, May 24, 2015, 7:02 PM

We accidentally sent the wrong link in the last email. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Here is the correct link:

Following is the text of the last email:
Did you know that Tech Crunch and Time Magazine's websites are made in Wordpress?
With Wordpress you can make a high quality business or professional website with all the essential features you are looking for.
To put things into perspective; Tech Crunch (Wordpress website) was acquired by AOL and Trulia (Wordpress website) was acquired by Zillo. 
This is an all levels class: meaning that anyone can derive value from this class.
Wordpress is the shortest distance between having NO website to having a Successful website.
Here is an intro video to the class:

The $10 special ends May 25th 2015.

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