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A Few Upcoming Events

From: David D.
Sent on: Thursday, November 17, 2016, 10:23 AM

Hi Everyone,

We've got a lot of great events coming up in Stockton and nearby, and I wanted to make sure that everyone knew about them.

Drinking Skeptically - Join us this Friday at Valley Brew (6:30 PM) for dinner, drinks, or just to hang out and talk. It's a great, informal event and a wonderful way to get to know others in the group.

Highway Cleanup - Early Saturday morning, we'll meet near Highway 99 in Lodi and clean up trash to make our community look beautiful. We finish with a delicious brunch!

Arrival (Movie + Dinner) - Many of us are eager to see this sci-fi movie starring Amy Adams, about first contact, linguistics, and global war. Join us for dinner before the movie, this Saturday in downtown Stockton.

Game Night - Hosted at Sarah and Brad's home, game night is fun for everyone who enjoys board games, card games, trivia, and more. Bring some food to share and expect to have a great time, next Tuesday evening.

Science Night Live at the Museum - The first Wednesday evening of each month is special at the World of Wonders Science Museum in Downtown Lodi. That's when they bring in a local scientist for a great lecture.

NYE Masquerade Gala - You won't want to miss this epic New Year's Eve party in Turlock, hosted by our friends at Stanislaus Skeptics. For $60, you're not only supporting a great cause but you'll be treated to heavy hors d'oeuvres, the comedic talents of AJ DeMello, music by Mattea Overstreet, and more. There's even a free raffle ticket and you might win a 50" TV. Please join us by celebrating the new year.

As you can see, lots to look forward to... and some of these events are in the next few days!

We wish you and your family an early, happy Thanksgiving!



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