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A Few Upcoming Events

From: David D.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 7, 2017, 3:17 PM

Hi Everyone,

With February underway, I thought I would remind everyone about a few of the upcoming events on our calendar -- local and regional.

Eating Out


Fun and Entertainment


Please remember our full calendar can always be found online.

And, in celebration of my 40th birthday this month, I would like to encourage all of our members to give a donation to the World of Wonders Science Museum in Downtown Lodi. They are embarking on a significant expansion that will include a planetarium, observatory, restaurant, community plaza, and more -- and I know we would all love to have this in the Central Valley.

If you would like to chip in to SAAF and help cover our costs, that's always appreciated, too.

-David Diskin, SAAF

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