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Hi Tennis Members Have you tried Pickleball ?

From: Rich
Sent on: Thursday, March 28, 2013, 1:20 PM

Hi Members,


Since you are a member of the San Jose & South Bay Tennis Meetup group and are either currently playing tennis or have played in the past, I thought I would introduce a sport that you may or may not be familiar with - Pickleball. I would like to invite you to join us at future Pickleball Meetup meetup events. 

Pickleball is one the fastest growing sports in the US. It is a net court game using light-weight paddles and a plastic, perforated ball (similar to a wiffle-ball). You can find an excellent introduction to the game at the official USA Pickleball Association web site ( 

Pickleball is the great equalizer. It's the perfect game for men, women, youth and active adults. It is a game of strategy and ball placement. It places the emphasis on coordination, patience, and strategy rather than strength or brute power. Pickleball is often described as a cross between Tennis, Table Tennis, and Badminton. The court is one third the size of a tennis court, so it doesn't require as much running and is therefore much easier on the body. Pickleball is a great social sport, is easy to learn, and is a lot of fun to play. 

The game continues to gain great momentum throughout the US. It has exploded on the scene in the past few years and now is being played from coast to coast in educational institutions, parks and recreation centers, and corporate fitness centers. Because of Pickleball's increased popularity, Good Morning America recently aired a segment about the sport. There was also a short segment aired on the CBS Early Show. Take a look! You can watch the Pickleball nationals on YouTube or on the USAPA website ( 

Drop-in Pickleball is now offered by the Seven Trees Community Center every Saturday from 1:30 to 5:30pm. For those ages 18 to 49, the fee is $5. For all others, the fee is $2.50. We also have outdoor Pickleball events (no charge) at the Willow Glen Middle School on Tuesday afternoons from 4 to 7 pm and Saturday mornings from 9 to noon. For more information, check out our Pickleball website: There is also a link to our website on the San Jose & South Bay Area Tennis Meetup website. Pickleball is all about having fun and getting some great exercise. We supply the equipment. Come and join us! 

Organizer - San Jose Pickleball Meetup group

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