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From: Don H.
Sent on: Sunday, January 29, 2017, 1:20 PM

Dropbox is up and running. For access, please email me through my Meetup profile and include your email. Alternately, you may email me at [address removed]. If your email comes back from AOL as "undeliverable," try again a few minutes later. If it is still acting stupid, email me at [address removed] or [address removed]. To upload documents, please go to the Central PA Writers Workshop Dropbox, rather than putting them in your personal Dropbox (if you have installed the software on your PC). If everyone uses a personal Dropbox, everyone have to send out access invitations to everyone else, and it will be more work, not to mention confusing. Please use our group's Dropbox so that everything is in one place and I can manage it. Please let me know if you need further explanation. Thanks, Don

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