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request to add mystery/thriller/suspense titles

From: Lisa P.
Sent on: Sunday, June 8, 2014, 2:48 PM

Dear Members:  There is some interest in reviving the "mystery/thriller/suspense" genre in our rotation.  I've begun a list of possible books to consider (see below) but would like your help identifying titles that should be included.  If you'd like to contribute, please email me.  Thanks!  Lisa

"Gone Girl" Gillian Flynn         425      psychological thriller 

            NYT bestseller.  Wife disappears on the couple's fifth anniversary.  Husband becomes prime suspect.

 "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" Stieg Larsson      675      mysterious disappearance

             Bestseller and book 1 of a trilogy.  Swedish capitalist talks financial reporter into solving 40-year-old     family mystery, and the reporter enlists the help of the above-mentioned girl.

"Perfume: The Story of a Murderer" Patrick Suskind       250      18th century murder

             Bestseller.  Man with a phenomenal sense smell is driven to capture complex smells of all sorts, not just those involving his perfumer's apprenticeship

"Boy's Life" Robert McCammon                                      600      thriller/nostalgia

             Secrets and shadows, good and evil, haunt a father and son in Zephyr, Alabama.

 "The Lovely Bones" Alice Sebold                                   375      murder/coming of age

             Bestseller.  A 14-year-old is raped and murdered by a serial killer, and struggles to accept her fate in the afterlife as she observes how her murder affects her family.

"The Rule of Four:  A Novel" Ian Caldwell & Dustin Thomason    400      intellectual suspense

             NYT bestseller.  Two Princeton grads set out to solve the mysteries of a 15th manuscript

"The Alienist" Caleb Carr                                                  500      serial killer in the Gilded Age

             Pub Weekly bestseller.  A Freudian psychiatrist tries to help police find a serial killer in NYC in 1896

"The Long Goodbye" Raymond Chandler                        375      hardboiled urban private eye

             PI takes the case of a WWII vet who is on the lam because his wealthy nymphomaniac wife is dead

"The Name of the Rose" Umberto Eco                          525      murder in a 14th cent abbey  

            "Brother Sherlock" shows up to investigate heresy and winds up investigating murder

 "Snow Falling on Cedars" David Guterson                   450      murder trial in the 50's

             PEN/Faulkner award.  Soon after WWII, a Japanese-American man is on trial for murder in Puget Sound

"Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy: A George Smiley novel" John le Carre      400      Cold War spy/suspense

             NYT bestseller.  First installment in a trilogy, spy seeks to find the traitor within their ranks

"The Drowning Pool" Ross Macdonald                          250      hardboiled urban private eye

             The second "Lew Archer" novel; he investigates the murder of a wealthy woman in suburban LA.

"The Eight" Katherine Neville                                          625      thriller set in 1972 and in 1790

             In this fantasy/adventure, a modern computer expert seeks to recover eight chess pieces that were hidden by     a French nun during the French Revolution because of their legendary power.

"A Murder is Announced" Agatha Christie                    325      Miss Marple mystery

             In a small town in England, it is announced that a murder will be taking place on Friday, October 29

"The Hound of the Baskervilles" Arthur Conan Doyle      175      Sherlock Holmes mystery

             A man is found dead on the moors, apparently as a result of attack by a lengendary hound

"Original Sin" P.D. James                                                  425      Adam Dalgliesh mystery

             Scotland Yard investigates:  Is it suicide or murder at the publishing house on the Thames?