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finalized info on this Sunday's meeting and other stuff

From: Tamara M.
Sent on: Sunday, September 9, 2007, 2:44 PM
Hey folks,
I have the finalized info about this Sunday's upcomming meeting/lighting camera class. Jayson is planning on giving us 6 hours, so the time will be from 10AM to 4PM. The address is - 1330 North Scottsdale Road, on the SW corner of Scottsdale & McDowell. Southern-most suite close to Hometown buffet.
Here are some questions/requests that Jayson had for the group so he can better suit the class to your needs.
Can we ask each participant to send in at least ONE thing they'd like to learn; there's SO MUCH we could address that I'd like to narrow it down a bit - plus it'll help me get a sense for what people do/don't know.
Also - he's looking for the following equipment in order to provide the group with the best possible demonstration of the ideas he's trying to put accross. I know we have a lot of this around in the group so if any of you are willing to provide any of this equipment, please let me know. Jayson, is checking with his contacts here as well to see what he can come up with.
-Someone willing to be the model for the demo - understanding that if you're the model you won't really be able to see what's going on and get the benefit from the class. I'll be back up if no one is interested.
-A couple of 2K's
-A couple of 1K's
-Smaller lights if available
-4-6 C-Stands
-A flag set single nets, double nets, flags, and silks (2x3)
-A couple of bounce cards (bigger the better, around 4'x4')
-Some large diffusion (probably chinese to you, but a few choices like Opal,
250, light grid, etc in 4'x4' sizes)
-A video Camera (what is it doesn't really matter, see below)
-A large-ish monitor/TV - I'd love to hook up a camera to a monitor so we
can have it up for people to view as we change lighting set-ups; obviously
the better the camera and monitor, the better for everyone, but I know we're
operating on a donation basis.

I'm so looking forward to this class I can't tell you all. I know the last time Jayson was here, my head was spinning with all the information we got - I'm sure this class will be even more so! Whether you a DP, Director, Actor, and especially if you're a Grip or Gaffer - this class will help you get better at your craft. Seating is limited so sign up right away and RSVP to me. Also - the location will have water and snacks available for a donation. See you all at 10AM on Sunday! WooHoo! :)Tammy
There's only two ways anything can really be over
you can either die trying ......or you can die wishing you had!
(from - The Movie Hero)

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