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Fw: Possible Casting

From: Tamara M.
Sent on: Sunday, September 9, 2007, 5:05 PM
Hey folks, ok - one of our own new members Jeremy is looking to cast a particular role. Please see info below and contact him directly if you are interested. :)Tammy

Contact Jeremy at [address removed]

Talent Needed: Male, Caucasian, 18-25, somewhat geeky with a sense of adorability. No taller than 6'0", preferably 5'5"-5'11". Thin. Hair color does not matter. Eyes color does not Matter. Talent must be able to commit at least 2 weekends a month to the project from September 16-mid February. Copy and Credit, no compensation.

Following is description taken from At Best Derivative COC

Edwin Sage: 20. Caucasian. Geeky fledgling screenwriter who likely spent most of his adolescent weekends playing swords and sorcery and watching Matlock with Grandma. Likely a virgin, socially impotent, nervous around women, Edwin is manipulated into aiding and abetting a group of half-witted criminals he believes to be representatives from a large production house. He is a bank teller, grossly reliant upon the opinions of other to validate his self worth.


Reference:      Revenge of the Nerds.

Most characters played by Jason Biggs.


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