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Summary of Our Ring Meeting Last Night

From: Richard M.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 14, 2014, 7:22 AM

Hey Fellow Ring Members,

We had a great meeting last night!  Here is a brief recap of what we covered:

We had a great discussion concerning the churning waters of flood insurance coverage.  Kyle gave us some good tips on how to determine the cost of flood insurance our buyers will face when we sell. He gave us a good understanding of pre-FIRM vs. post-FIRM and when we could get lower rates based on "Built in Compliance" rules.

It's good to know that some "grandfathering" rules are back in place.  There are times when you can discard a new flood elevation certificate if it penalizes you with higher rates.  He told us how we can get a history of the property pulled to see if there ever was an elevation certificate done and avoid having to buy a new one.

And here is a golden to find out when a house was built!  That one has been a mystery for me on some houses I look at.  But now I know how to find out.  Awesome job!

Thanks Kyle for a terrific and value packed presentation!

For those of you who attended the meeting...thank you very much for coming.  For those who missed it, mark you calendars now for next month.  We meet every month on the 2nd Tuesday.

As I told the group last night, I appreciate all of you!  Without your attendance there would be no Ring meetings and I couldn't get people like Kyle and so many others to come share their knowledge with us.  So please make time to come to the meetings!  I need you guys.  Without you there would be no Real Estate Investor Network Group.

So thanks for being a part of it...and happy investing to you all!

Best Regards,


Richard McCray
Organizer, The RING
Real Estate Investor Network Group