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biggest party this weekend + special meetup message + freebies + casting for video

From: Manan Singh K.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 7, 2012, 4:06 PM
(scroll down for casting information)
good afternoon everyone...
special warm welcome to all new members...
check all the new members here - ~
this is gonna b cold winter - u have january feb to stay at home and enjoy home parties...
this saturday, come out to the biggest club in dc md va
only one link to get $20 tickets for $12 - ~
great news...
meetup just informed me - this is one of the biggest groups for this area ~
for us - SINGLE people - these are the groups
only few more hours left
 - to buy discounted tickets for the biggest party event in north america - This Saturday, november 10 ~
at the most famous venue in Washington DC -  ~
check the venue please :)
only one link to get $20 tickets for $12 - ~
(no sales at door)
a) heres a promotional video we made for our new years eve party - check it out - it went viral - ~ for this years biggest new years eve party - i am looking for men and women...
and u need to be camera friendly... and u need to have facebook presence :) thats important....
(u get free tickets to new years eve party)
b) also if u have a business and want to be a sponsor for new years eve - email me, will send you package details... and information on our aggressive ground and online promotions - for the biggest south asian news eve party in dc md va ~
* Aggressive 6 week marketing starting next week
* Logo and company name on promotional video for Television publicity on MHZ Channel
* Logo and company name on promotional video for Facebook and other online mediums
* Logo and company name on all online advertising
* Logo and company name on all printed material - posters (40) and postcards (5000)
* Name and Logo on 5000 Postcards that will be distributed in DMV Area
* Name and Logo on 40 posters that will be distributed in DMV Area
* 1 reserved table for 8 people (Value $480)
see u all this saturday @ FUR 
only one link to get $20 tickets for $12 - ~
regards, jai mata di - manan singh katohora