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Message boards will no longer be available after July 18, 2024.

We recommend saving any important information beforehand. Going forward, you can stay connected with your groups using the Discussions feature (we'll be rolling out some exciting updates soon)!

Learn more about the upcoming changes in this article;

Startup Week 2015: Last day!

From: Thomas A.
Sent on: Thursday, April 2, 2015, 11:46 AM

Startup Week 2015: Last day!

Hey Everyone,

Today, April 2nd, is the last day Startup Week 2015, and we want to make sure you'll get the most out of it!

Happening today: Open-doors at The Hub during the day and Melbourne Silicon Beach Drinks tonight! You will find more info on these events below.

Thank you for your participation to Startup Week 2015 and your help to show how important the startup ecosystem is in Melbourne!

Also a slightly unrelated message, we are opening up expressions of interest for Pitch in Melbourne! Check out details and how to apply below.

Startup Victoria is excited to be organising a new series of Pitch Events where founders can Pitch to secure seed funding for their Startup.

Last year we ran our first Pitch Night, where startups had the opportunity to pitch to 400+ people and got the chance to win a sit down with prominent Australian VC firm Square Peg Capital, three months of mentoring from judges as well as 3 months of co-working space. 

This year we are raising the bar! securing high quality investors who are looking to provide seed investment in your Startup! The event will provide Startups the opportunity to not only Pitch for seed funding, but to promote and open the doors to building relationships with high net worth professionals, investors and other mature Startups.

Round 0 is now Open for registrations for expression of interest! 8 Startups will be be short listed from expression of interest with 4 selected to Pitch at the event 

What: Startup Victoria's Seed Funding Pitch Night
When: Registration closes Friday the 24th of April at 5.00 PM
How to apply: Follow the link below to fill out the registration form.

Apply HERE!

Hub Melbourne’s coworking space has been designed to be as diverse as the people that use them with private desks, studios, flexible coworking desks, meeting rooms, and quiet spaces.

When: Thursday, April 2nd, 9:30 - 5:00pm
Where: Hub Melbourne, 673 Bourke Street, Melbourne

Melbourne Silicon Beach (MSB) is an informal group for anyone interested in founding or working in startups, dev/design in web/mobile tech, freelancing, investing or working with people in that space.
We are a diverse bunch covering all ages, backgrounds and first point of call for newcomers to Melbourne.

When: Thursday, April 2nd,
Where: 629 Bourke Street, Melbourne
Registration: HERE


Startup Victoria

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