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Norfolk Trip, Cruise

From: Journonya's Enjoying L.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 2:56 PM

Hey TUT,

The deadline to pay the $100 deposit for the cruise is this Saturday, April 30. Please check the meetup page at: for details. To book, contact our travel agent Vimbai (see same link on Meetup). After Saturday, the cost to get in on this cruise will go up to $250.

I'll be selling tickets for the Old School Daze Weekend in Norfolk, VA at Bahama Breeze this Friday. For details (agenda viewable only on a computer/tablet), visit: If you're planning on purchasing them then, text me at[masked]. If you can't, no problem But contact me to let me know when you plan on purchasing your ticket because they're selling out.

Thanks TUT!





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