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Re: [ronpaul-529] Fw: What really happened at theLibyanconsulate?Like I said...Romney is just the lesser of 2 evilx THATGIVE USMORE TIMETO TURN THIS COUNTRY AROUND AND FIND THE RIGHT PRES.CANDIDATE

From: Steve H.
Sent on: Friday, November 2, 2012, 2:35 PM
IMHO spammers and paid pumpers, other establishment whores and spies should go elsewhere. All they do is cause trouble, insult  others and pollute the boards, causing arguments. We should get along with them and have reasoned discussions, but when they are posting on this group, they just cause trouble. There are better forums for them to spout their garbage.
  Steve Heath

Original message
From: "Sean Lyons" <[address removed]> 
To: [address removed]
Received: 11/2/2012 2:01:25 PM
Subject: Re: [ronpaul-529] Fw: What really happened at theLibyanconsulate?Like I said...Romney is just the lesser of 2 evilx THATGIVE USMORE TIMETO TURN THIS COUNTRY AROUND AND FIND THE RIGHT PRES.CANDIDATE


There are probably plenty of these folks across the country doing this. One to keep tabs on what the liberty movement is talking about. The other reason is probably to try and influence us.

I can't be influenced by words, only actions. I would hope that most people make a determination based on action and principal, words are weak.

There is nothing either party can do to court us without taking real action on the true issues. Both party's are lead by totalitarian agendas. Communism on one and fascism on the other. True believers in liberty will never support these folks or be moved by their hollow words. With more people awakening and seeing things for what they are, the party's will have to change or die.

On Nov 2,[masked]:40 PM, "Steve Heath" <[address removed]> wrote:
Does he live in New York? Is he paid by the Romney campaign to go on all these Meetup groups  - We had that Wallace character about a year ago who infliltrated numerous FB patriot groups and Meetups to trash OWS  -He was not a real person and I proved it. we need to recognize these paid pumpers or those with alias IDs and kick them off- They have no business being in these groups. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, this David Ray guy needs to prove who he is or he needs to be kicked off the Board. David ray should be required to contact an organizer and prove who he is. What do you say David? Call my office -[masked]  -or call my cell David-[masked]- I'll be glad to verify that you are a real person. I would feel more comfortable if we knew who you are. Has anyone ever met David? Has he ever been to one of our functions? David -perhaps you can answer the questions  -if I am wrong, I will gladly apologize.
Steve Heath

Original message
From: PirateRothbard    
To: [address removed]
Received: 11/2/2012 1:03:34 PM
Subject: Re: [ronpaul-529] Fw: What really happened at the Libyanconsulate?Like I said...Romney is just the lesser of 2 evilx THAT GIVE USMORE TIMETO TURN THIS COUNTRY AROUND AND FIND THE RIGHT PRES. CANDIDATE

And what's the meaning of d-rays email?  Who is he emailing pics of his "bigburd" to?

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 2, 2012, at 11:31 AM, Steve Heath <[address removed]> wrote:

Where do you live david? Were you a Ron Paul supporter? We know you are old as you said you were old enough to be my father.
Steve Heath

Original message
From: "Sean Lyons"      
To: [address removed]
Received: 11/2/[masked]:55:37 AM
Subject: Re: [ronpaul-529] Fw: What really happened at the Libyan consulate?Like I said...Romney is just the lesser of 2 evilx THAT GIVE US MORE TIMETO TURN THIS COUNTRY AROUND AND FIND THE RIGHT PRES. CANDIDATE


Are you the same David Ray running Mrs.Buerkle's campaign in NY?

On Nov 2,[masked]:12 AM, "David Ray" <[address removed]> wrote:
That is pretty funny! Actually our newspapers here are just liberal rags( Fort Worth Star telegram and the Dallas Morning News) and i don't watch anything but Fox on tv. I am  campaign manager for a gentlemen running for U.S. Congress.  

--- On Fri, 11/2/12, scott byington <[address removed]> wrote:

From: scott byington <[address removed]>
Subject: Re: [ronpaul-529] Fw: What really happened at the Libyan consulate? Like I said...Romney is just the lesser of 2 evilx THAT GIVE US MORE TIME TO TURN THIS COUNTRY AROUND AND FIND THE RIGHT PRES. CANDIDATE
To: [address removed]
Date: Friday, November 2, 2012, 1:50 AM

i found video footage of David Ray...

On Nov 1, 2012, at 7:16 PM, David Ray <[address removed]> wrote:

What we need is more conspiracy theories!  Geeeeez!

--- On Wed, 10/31/12, Jon Burroughs <[address removed]> wrote:

From: Jon Burroughs <[address removed]>
Subject: Re: [ronpaul-529] Fw: What really happened at the Libyan consulate? Like I said...Romney is just the lesser of 2 evilx THAT GIVE US MORE TIME TO TURN THIS COUNTRY AROUND AND FIND THE RIGHT PRES. CANDIDATE
To:  [address removed]
Date: Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 3:10 PM

The argument made in the video
would be very bad if true- so bad that many will either discount it as
conspiracy-theory or jump to believe it, depending on how they feel
about Obama versus Romney.  In truth, probably some of the video is
correct and some isn't.  The trick is finding out which is which.

At the same time however, the recent story from the right-wing talk
shows that Obama watched the attacks and personally ordered the rescue
attempts to stand down is not much better, although it has been much
more widely broadcast, in the midst of early voting.

On 660AM, J.D. Wells made much Friday (and re-aired the same show on
Monday) of CIA Director General Petraeus' statement "that no one at
any level within the CIA ordered the rescue attempts to stand-down".
From this, J.D. Wells, and every other neocon talk show host made the
same argument that it was not the CIA, but the administration itself
(i.e. the President) who essentially ordered that the Ambassador be
allowed to die, on account of the fact that putting boots on the
ground in Libya would run counter to the administration narrative that
all was under control in Libya and hurt his re-election chances.
(Nevermind that the neocon talk show hosts are now having a field day
blaming Obama for Ambassador Steven's death.)  The statement by
Petraeus helped re-fan the flames just when the media attention was
about to die down.  Now on to my next point:

The idea that the right wing talk-show hosts would take a statement
from Petraeus at face value is interesting- they have complete trust
apparently in our CIA to give factual information.  The fact is, the
CIA specializes in mis-information.  Why the head of the CIA would be
considered a trustworthy giver of facts to the general public is
ludicrous, but that his statement threw Obama under the bus, there is
no doubt.  So while we do NOT know that what Petraeus is saying is
true, we DO know Petraeus prefers Romney to be the next President.

Here is another interesting fact.  Earlier in the year when Romney's
running mate was yet to be decided, J.D. Wells spoke glowingly one
afternoon about how Petraeus is exactly who we needed as a Vice
President, talking about how he bravely put 9mm slugs into the brains
of captured insurgents until he finally got the intel he needed to
save American lives.  I kid you not, I heard him say this on the
radio, and even called in to tell him on the air that I thought he had
lost his mind.  This is what J.D.Wells, of the Wells Report, 660AM,
KSKY, offered as an example of why Petraeus would make a good V.P. and
eventual President.

FYI, Petraeus literally rewrote the field manual on Counter-insurgency
based on his experience heading the occupation efforts in Iraq and
Afghanistan.  Published 9/11/09.

Now, if the United States federal government ever transitioned to an
overt nightmare domestic police state, motivating an insurrection,
then his expertise would come in handy for a President.  Barring that,
I can't really see where such a skill-set would come in handy, except
for the continued counter-insurgency operations that will exist
anywhere a country is occupied by foreign troops, or where puppet
governments (whether dictators or "democratically elected" regimes)
have been installed, or where previously legitimate governments have
been co-opted by a self-serving elite. In the latter situations, he
can continue to do just fine from his present office.

So here is something to watch for:  If Petraeus maintains his post in
a new Romney cabinet, you will know that nothing has changed, and that
if you had voted for Romney, you really just played the game that the
power-elite wanted you to play.  No doubt about it.

And if he gets promoted you will know we went from the frying pan into the fire.

For Liberty,
Jon Burroughs

On 10/31/12, shirley Kinder < [address removed]> wrote:
> Really interesting considerations.  Thank you for the way you expressed your
> thoughts; nothing condescending.
> From: Jon Burroughs
> Sent: Wednesday, October 31,[masked]:45 AM
> To:  [address removed]
> Subject: Re: [ronpaul-529] Fw: What really happened at the Libyan consulate?
> Like I said...Romney is just the lesser of 2 evilx THAT GIVE US MORE TIME TO
> Shirley,
> That video is making the case that the neocon factions within the CIA and
> the power elite orchestrated the film (he traces the film to Romney), the
> Benghazi attack, and the lack of security to create a September surprise
> (murder of Ambassador Stevens) to hurt Obama because Romney is the new
> annointed candidate.   If that were true (some points he makes are strong,
> some less so), then Romney would actually be the GREATER of two evils.
> This video makes some interesting allegations but it does NOT promote Romney
> as the candidate we need to buy the USA more time, instead arguing he the
> new choice of a very evil, powerful elite.
> On Oct 30,[masked]:28 PM, "shirley Kinder" < [address removed]> wrote:
> --
> Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on
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> This message was sent by Jon Burroughs ( [address removed]) from Ron
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> To learn more about Jon Burroughs, visit his/her member profile
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> Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] |
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