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Re: [ronpaul-529] RE: ObamaCare vs Second Amendment

From: Kurt H.
Sent on: Monday, January 20, 2014, 11:53 AM
Glad to hear it hasn't happened to you. 

It happened to me, but I was out of state. When I asked the doctor why he asked he said all he knew was that he had to. He also explained there were three choices: yes, no or refused to answer. When I complained to the hospital, they gave me the run-around. They referred me to web site I couldn't find.

Nor yet, O Freedom! close thy lids in slumber for thine enemy never sleeps. -- The Antiquity of Freedom By William Cullen Bryant

From: Dave Scholefield <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Monday, January 20,[masked]:38 AM
Subject: [ronpaul-529] RE: ObamaCare vs Second Amendment

Having been plagued by various health problems which have essentially rendered me indigent, I have had numerous visits to several different “free” clinics of Parkland Hospital (which is about as governmental as can be) over the last 2 years.  Maybe it’s different at the VA or elsewhere, but never even once was I asked anything at all about firearms (or any other kinds of weapons).  - D.S.
From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Kurt Hyde
Sent: Monday, January 20,[masked]:17 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [ronpaul-529] ObamaCare vs Second Amendment
I downloaded the initial complaint in the famous lawsuit Florida vs US Dept of Health and Human Services. There is no mention of the Second Amendment. I'll be at a candidate endorsing meeting this weekend. I believe all the candidates for Texas State Attorney General will be there.
I have heard reports that patients have been required by doctors to answer whether or not they have firearms in their homes. Has this happened to you or anyone you know?
Nor yet, O Freedom! close thy lids in slumber for thine enemy never sleeps. -- The Antiquity of Freedom By William Cullen Bryant

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