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Free E-Course on Entrepreneurship from the Founder Institute ($99 value)

From: Jonathan G.
Sent on: Friday, April 18, 2014, 3:31 PM
Thanks again for joining Toronto Startup Founder 101!  

I'm writing to make sure you saw that all our members get free access to the "Startup & Go" e-course on entrepreneurship ($99 value), which features startup lectures from Phil Libin (Evernote), Aaron Patzer (, Jonathan Abrams (Friendster), Jim Franklin (SendGrid), and more. Be sure to check it out: 

- Password: startupfounder101

In addition, the Founder Institute is currently testing demand for the program in Toronto, and if enough people apply by this Sunday, April 20th, then we will formally launch a chapter. 

In the Founder Institute’s part-time, 4-month program, promising startup entrepreneurs can “learn by doing” and launch a company through structured training courses, practical business-building assignments, and expert feedback from a large network of business mentors. Plus, sessions are held once a week at night, so you don’t have to quit your day job

Help bring this program to Toronto and spend a few minutes to fill out an interest form today: It only takes a few minutes, and there is no obligation. 

The feedback we have received in Toronto has been very positive. To see the list of local mentors who have pledged to participate in a Toronto Founder Institute program, visit If a program formally launches, we plan to add at least 20 more. 

Have a great weekend! 

- Jonathan Greechan // Startup Founder 101 

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