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New Meeting: National Homebrew Day (Day drinkers unite!)

From: Brian
Sent on: Wednesday, April 23, 2008, 9:31 AM
Announcing a new meeting for The "Tucson Beer Nutz-What Can I Say, I Love BEER" Club!

What: National Homebrew Day (Day drinkers unite!)

When: Saturday, May 3, 11:00 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Anyone who enjoys beer and is curious as to how its made.

Why: Who doesn't like to drink at 11am? Because you should know where your beer comes from!

Meeting Description: OK, here's the situation:

Saturday May 3rd - Barrio Brewing Company


The good people at Barrio have found it in their hearts to allow the Tucson Homebrew Club
to use their facilities for the National Homebrew Day "Big Brew".

"What does this mean?" you ask. Good question!
It means you'll get to meet some fantastic people who have a deep love of beer. You'll get to see how beer is made. You may or may not* get to sample some homebrewed beer. You'll get to enjoy Barrio's excellent selections.

Tucson Homebrew Club Page
Big Brew Details

*legally you may or may not be able to drink our beer be and we may or may not care about the rules and you may or may not be able to possibly have some. I may or may not know what I'm talking about. You may or may not think we're back in the prohibition again......

ANYHOO, if for no other reason pop by and drink some good beers at Barrio.

Learn more here:

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