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[ultimatefrisbee-153] New Meetup: Tuesday game

From: Ben
Sent on: Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 12:17 PM
OK, I'll miss Phil's emails most of all because they remind me to post mine.

I thought the ridiculously ominous cloud over New Jersey meant evening rain, but the forecast says Brooklyn shouldn't be bad (Poor New Jersey). So if you're around at 6:30pm tonight, we'll do another round at the Old Stone House on 4th street and 5th ave.

As for Wednesdays, one of you should try being an assistant organizer! It's incredibly easy and you can do a much better job than I do! Here are the pros and cons:

    Everyone thinks you're more important and special. In the summertime, 25 people a week will ask you to choose where the after-party is
    You get to send an e-mail to over 500 people, which can include any mix of scheduling, reminders or awkward prose
    You have the final power of the cones - when they come, where they go, and associated by-laws
    It's FREE

    You have to show up, or get someone else with cones to show up in your place.
    You have to own a computer (or dictate me the Meetup posting over phone, and I'll type the damn thing)
Seriously, join us, you can stop at any time. If no one does step forward as Phil's successor, Wednesday games will be hosted by me, and I'll post every game two hours beforehand out of spite.


On 4/27/[masked]:49 AM, Phil O'Mara wrote:
Announcing a new Meetup for Brooklyn Ultimate Frisbee Meetup Group!

What: Wednesday night disc. Organizer anyone?

When: Wednesday, April 28,[masked]:30 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Hey hey hey,
soooo here's the deal. I am still looking for someone to take over the difficult tAsk of showing up and setting up cones. If you cab do it, please contact me at [address removed]. As of next week I will no longer be setting things up. I am certain the game will still happen, just a little less organized and stuff.

Okay! Now to the good stuff.
9th street ball fields.
6:30 pm
bring a white shirt and a very dark shirt.
Bring water and cleats (cleats are optional but advised)

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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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