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Glamour Shot Day Tomorrow!!

From: casey e.
Sent on: Thursday, October 20, 2011, 2:48 PM

We are all looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! The shelter staff ask that we send along this reminder about kennel keys and attire please read and be sure to comply tomorrow (the shelter's staff is awesome and we want to respect their onsite rules):

Shelter kennel keys that are assigned to county volunteers need be kept by them. They are not to be handed out to anyone who has not gone through the county volunteer program (filling out the application, orientation, and training). Also the appropriate attire for everyone, county volunteers and UHA volunteers while here at the shelter and handling animals, hair out of the face it must be pulled back, tennis shoes, jeans and t shirts. No tank tops, sandals, slip on shoes, open toe shoes, shorts, or peddle/Capri pants.

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