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Re: [Verde-Valley-Girlfriends] last minute cancellations

From: Sharon
Sent on: Sunday, March 20, 2016, 7:40 PM
I would like to add that we don't have many future meet-ups scheduled.  We have over 200 members and some have suggested some great ideas.   Feel free to post a meet-up.  It's easy to do and creates a nice variety of choices. 

Sharon Z.

On Sunday, March 20,[masked]:53 PM, Wendy B <[address removed]> wrote:

A thread from the Discussion forum for the Verde Valley Girlfriends:
  • Posted 3/16/16 1:30 PM
We can discuss both books next month. It's hard to have a discussion when we get down to only a couple readers. The RSVPs dropped down to just my daughter and I, and 2 members. Hopefully we'll have better turnout next month! 😊
  • Posted 3/16/16 4:48 PM

Camp Verde, AZ
Post #: 1Oh, my dears, we really must restrain ourselves from these last minute cancellations. It does throw the hostess into such a spin--not to mention those below stairs, who have been working hard all day to prepare. And we all know we must not upset the servants; it is so hard to keep good help these days. 

We must all try harder to keep our engagements, mustn't we?
  • Posted 3/20/16 6:43 PM Unread
Group Organizer
Sedona, AZ
Post #: 8
Hi All,

Though I could never state it as eloquently as Violet, I do agree. Last minute cancellations are very hard on the hostess, whether she is having to make her house ready or having to arrange for reservations with a restaurant. Let's all try to watch out for this, or we are going to have fewer girlfriends willing to post events.


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