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Re: [artinphoto] Fall photo shoot - perhaps a shorter hike?

From: jolene
Sent on: Wednesday, September 26, 2012, 12:15 PM
I would really like a sunday.
Thank you!
Sent from my BlackBerry® powered by Virgin Mobile.

From: Jim Mendell <[address removed]>
Sender: [address removed]
Date: Wed, 26 Sep[masked]:46:53 -0400
To: <[address removed]>
ReplyTo: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [artinphoto] Fall photo shoot - perhaps a shorter hike?

Hello everyone,

I wanted to offer the possibility of photographing at Common Ground Center in Starksboro, about a half hour from Burlington.  It's a 700 acre site which includes farm fields, wetlands, a stream. and mountain trails that lead to a a beaver pond and view of the Adirondacks at the summit.  Check out our website at: which includes photos and directions.  CGC is a non-profit, cooperatively run retreat and family center entering its 20th year.

Which day during the week were you considering gathering together?

If you're wondering who I am, I joined the meet-up group last year and about a month ago I went to my first critique in Essex Junction.

Look forward to hearing from you,
Jim Mendell, Co-Director
Common Ground Center
473 Tatro Road
Starksboro, VT 05487
[address removed]
[masked] (cell)

On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 6:45 PM, claudia <[address removed]> wrote:
Sounds good, Glenn, and thanks for persevering - claudia

On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 4:00 PM, Glenn Gilchrist <[address removed]> wrote:

The hike idea did not spawn much interest so I posted a meetup for a day long field trip through the Green Mountains - mostly driving to roadside opportunities.  See the meetup page for details.  I will be posting a date, time and details by tomorrow.


On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 2:04 PM, claudia <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi Glenn,

I think this is a great idea. My only reservation has been whether or not I'm able to hike quite that far.  Has anyone suggested a shorter hike perhaps?  Will you be at the Thursday evening photo critique to perhaps discuss this?  

Thanks for putting the idea out there - claudia

On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 5:49 PM, Glenn Gilchrist <[address removed]> wrote:
Lisa, et. al.

I climbed to Sunset Ridge off Lincoln Gap Rd yesterday and found that photographically speaking, opportunities at elevation are sketchy - very weather and haze dependent. On the other hand I am happy to go and take my chances if there is any interest. What better view of Vermont then the summit of Camel's Hump?

I also checked out River Rd and Camels Hump View Trail (flat, accessible) and there seems to be a lot of potential there.  There is no shortage of beautiful areas, but finding a place where you can ditch a few  cars and work, is the problem.

In that regard, my wife and I are going to the Lake Dunmore, Goshen, Brandon area tomorrow - which is more of a Park setting - and if that works out, I will announce an all day meetup for around Oct 1st, or shortly thereafter.  I will also post pictures later today of where I have been, and tomorrow's trip if it works out.

I am open to weekends and weekdays, but there has been a resounding silence on this entire subject.  If anyone out there is interested in an all day outing, please reply, and include your day preferences.  



On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 5:09 PM, Lisa & Mark <[address removed]> wrote:



This sounds like a great idea.  Would love to do an early morning fall photo shoot at Camel's Hump.  I know that Jon suggested the weekend, however as I am a Realtor, a weekday would be better for me if you can find a group who would like to go on a weekday.  Or we could go just the two of us.


Lisa Friedman


On Wed, 19 Sep[masked]:13:07 -0400, jon bondy <[address removed]> wrote:


All of this sounds great!  I suggest that you figure out what you plan to do and then announce it as a Meetup.  If people join you, great; if not, well, you will probably have a good time in any event!

For shoots, I suggest we stick to the weekends from now on, given people's work schedule, and the decreasing evening light.


On 9/19/2012 3:57 PM, Glenn Gilchrist wrote:
Hi Jon,

This will be my first Fall in Vermont, so I cannot offer much from personal experience.  I have done a fair amount of research though, and I have come up with three general areas that seem to offer a lot of potential (as well as traffic, I suppose).  These are Montgomery Center and surrounding area, Goshen and the Moosalomoo Rec area, and Groton Peacham.  Plus of course, Stowe which probably works in any season.

I don't have any specific sites or routes, but having just done a test ride through the Montgomery area, I can say that things are already looking pretty good, and light may be more important than site.  I wish I could offer more.  I will be glad to participate, and drive if anything more specific comes up.

I am also planning on taking much of my gear up the Camel's Hump sometime during the first few days of October. I am thinking of a very early AM start and a very relaxed pace, shooting along the way.  I am going to take the Burrows, Forest City, Long Trail loop which is supposed to afford spectacular views of the peak as you approach (I have done the Monroe, but this route will be new to me).  If anyone wants to join, I am open to that.  My only requirement is that the trip be first about shooting, and second about climbing.  IOW, it will take as long as it takes.

I hope this helps.


On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 10:19 AM, jon bondy <[address removed]> wrote:

We are a week or two away from a time of year when iconic images abound.  Would one of you like to suggest and lead a Meetup to shoot some of those photos?

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My best,

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My best,

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