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DC Stop Modern Slavery April Meeting

From: Ray L.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 28, 2010, 4:39 PM
DC Stop Modern Slavery General Meeting
Thursday, April 29, 2010, 7-9 pm
Ellington Apts., Entertainment Room
1301 U ST NW, Washington, DC 20009

This meeting is an open forum for those interested in the issue of modern slavery and human trafficking to learn, discuss, engage, and join the anti-slavery movement.

Join us as we work toward a Slavery-Free-DC!

To RSVP, go to:

If you'll be joining us for the first time, we encourage you to come at 6:30pm so we can greet you, tell you a bit about our group, and answer any questions you may have.

7:00 - 7:10 Introductions, Review Agenda
7:10 - 7:55 Guest Speaker: Dr. Victor Joseph, Psychological Effects On Young Girls Sold Into Brothels
7:55 - 8:05 Break
8:05 - 8:30 Guest Speaker: Lisa Nguyen, Accessorize your Conscience: Fighting Human Trafficking Using Business Sensibilities
8:30 - 8:50 Update on 2010 DC SMS Walk
8:50 - 9:00 News and Announcements

About Dr. Victor Joseph
Dr. Joseph is the author of "Stolen Lives", a 2009 report about victims of human trafficking in India. The report can be downloaded at

Dr. Joseph has worked for more than seven years with the US Department of State, US Congress, and the White House as an advocate for human rights and religious freedom. Currently, he serves as the Chairman for Governmental Affairs at the Federation of Indian American Christians of North America, an organization based in Washington DC that promotes human rights and religious freedom in India and surrounding nations. Through this organization, he has worked with the U.S. Department of State and the Indian Government campaigning for religious liberty, human rights, freedom for the lowest caste, and community transformation. He has collaborated with various NGO?s in India that address education, HIV/AIDS, poverty, human trafficking, and other human rights issues. Dr. Joseph is also a board member of the International Foundation For Minority Empowerment, a consultant at John Templeton Foundation. He also works as the President of Agape Research Foundation.

About Lisa T.D. Nguyen
Lisa has worked extensively on issues related to refugee protection. She is currently the Executive Director of VOICE (Vietnamese Overseas Initiative for Conscience Empowerment) and helps with the resettlement of stateless Vietnamese in the Philippines to Canada. VOICE also has an office in Cambodia that provides social services for Vietnamese women and children who are vulnerable to sexual exploitation. In 2010, Lisa became the Executive Director of Senhoa, a non-profit that supports victims of human trafficking in South East Asia. Lisa was awarded the Order of Australia Association Medal for Community Services as well as the Young Vietnamese Australian of the Year 2008.

Meeting Location:
This meeting will be in the entertainment room of The Ellington Apartments ( The Ellington is located at 1301 U St. NW, WDC 20009, which is on U Street between 13th & 14th Street. It's one block from the "U St/African-Amer Civil War Memorial" Metro station on the Green/Yellow Line (take the 13th Street exit). The entrance to the Ellington is next to an ice cream store called "U Scream for Ice Cream".

When you arrive, tell the front desk that you are there for the DC Stop Modern Slavery Group meeting. The entertainment room is the first left after the first floor elevators. If you need to, you can give the front desk Ray Lian's name and apartment number 622.

If you need to speak with an organizer before this event, please email us at [address removed]

Your Organizers