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RE: [winedinehappyTac] Organizer Meeting

From: Mark
Sent on: Thursday, April 10, 2014, 3:08 PM
Thank you Steve and to all of your organizers for planning and hosting such great events! 

I would like to host something this summer at the Gold Creek Clubhouse. We have a pool and hot tub, kitchen. I will check the occupancy limit.


Sent on the new Sprint Network from my Samsung Galaxy S®4.

-------- Original message --------
From: Steve Dische <[address removed]>
Date:04/09/2014 22:06 (GMT-08:00)
To: [address removed]
Subject: [winedinehappyTac] Organizer Meeting

Hey Sports Fans,

I wanted to give you a quick update on things to come. We had an Organizer Meeting this evening to discuss details and plan future events. So stay tuned for:

- Starting in May we will begin doing Birthday Meetups. We will have one Meetup per month to celebrate that month's birthday babies. Carolee Fallstead will be our Event Organizer for these Meetups. Please welcome her to this new position.

-Our next major event will be Summer Solstice, June 21. Sunsets at 2110; during the planning process, this looks to surpass our Christmas cruise in so many ways. We will be on a 4 hour cruise. Spirit of 76 will depart from Shenanigans. We shall gather at Shenanigans before launch. We will be at sea during sunset. On the to-do list is to see if Silver Cloud hotel, near Shenanigans can book us rooms at a discounted we don't have to drive home.

- Walla Walla Balloon Festival...we have done two Meetups for this, and certainly haven't scratched the surface of wineries in Walla Walla. I know it says Balloon Festival, but it is really wine tasting. Balloon Festival is typically over mother's day weekend, and this will be a three day event.

- Woodinville Wine Tasting Weekend...lots of wineries and distilleries. Looking to book a hotel at a discount price and a tour bus.

My outstanding Organizers, in particular The Rabbit and the Wine Diva, came up with a great idea...or at least they thought so. I turned a questioned eye brow. Either this year's Christmas Party, or our End of Year Celebration party...awards will be given for a number of categories. The question is: what are the categories :) All in good fun :)

Profile pictures, it is now time for those who do not have an actual picture of themselves to change it to one that does. For members who were part of TWDHH at the beginning of the year, saw my message requesting folks do that. New members, didn't see that email, but I have put a reminder in your welcome to our group email. This will now determine whether you will get in to a Meetup or not. If there is extenuating reasons why you can't do that...please email me personally and explain.

No-Shows: 3 No-Shows for a Meetup that you are signed up, will result in being removed from the group. A no-show to a closed event, that has folks on a waiting list, will count for 2. Not trying to be overly picky, but Organizers put a lot effort into each and every Meetup. In some cases, depending on the numbers who have signed up, extra staff are brought in to ensure we are cared for. Takes seconds to change an RSVP; if you do not have a smart phone, use your computer at home. Keeping your RSVP current is the courteous thing to do.









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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | [address removed]

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