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Orlando WordPress RoundTable 10/06/2012 Update your status if not going

From: Gary L
Sent on: Thursday, October 4, 2012, 10:38 AM

Hi All,

RE: Orlando WordPress RoundTable 10/06/2012 - 9.30AM-Noon

If you are NOTgoing to the Orlando WordPress MeetUp this Saturday please login and cancel your spot so others can go. There is limited seating. As always, no shows will be dropped from the group.

We will be doing a live stream of the event for those that can not attend and will email the group as the stream is about to begin.

RE: Orlando WordCamp 12/01/2012 - 8.30AM-6.30PM

Also, if you have not done so buy your tickets for Orlando WordCamp 2012 - just $20 for tons of educational sessions, lunch, T Shirts and other SWAG. This event will sell out so be warned.

WordCamp has seen some great sponsors step up to help the WordPress community. If you would like to sponsor just email me back. WordCamp is the largest gathering of Web Developers and users in Florida.

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