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New Meetup: Convergence - The Biggest Meeup Ever!

From: Natalie M.
Sent on: Saturday, October 3, 2009, 10:08 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Southern California WordPress Meetup Group!

What: Convergence - The Biggest Meeup Ever!

When: October 18,[masked]:00 PM

Out of Asia
3249 S La Cienega Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90016

We all know you're interested in WordPress, but do you also love French, poodles, tennis, beer, design, hiking, reading, yoga, vampires, movies, fitness, photography, meditation, investing, business, coffee, fashion, travel, salsa dancing, chihuahuas, stamps, disco, chess, nutrition, vegetarianism, Spanish, beach volleyball, dancing...?

Did you know there are meetup groups in Los Angeles for all those interests - and lots more?

To raise awareness of the diversity of Meetup groups available, Meetup's headquarters are on a nation-wide tour of just a few cities and are sponsoring a huge event in each city to bring everyone together and encourage mingling with other Meetup groups. There will be activities, games, prizes, music, food and drink - not to mention some of the most fun and friendly people in Los Angeles - other Meetup group members and organizers!

If you belong to multiple Meetup groups, you'll probably receive this invitation multiple times - RSVP only once, and remember which Meetup group you RSVPd with. Printing out your RSVP to bring with you is not a bad idea, but use recycled paper! :-)

Please note: You must RSVP by 8pm on Friday the 16th, as I have to then turn over the RSVP list to HQ to be sure you can get in.


Drink Prices:
Well Cocktail $5
Premium $7
Beer $4
Soda/Water $2

Food Prices
- Shanghai Egg Rolls: 5 pieces of Deep Fried to a golden brown, Crispy Mini Egg Rolls stuffed with either ground pork/shrimp or ground chicken with water chestnut, carrots, green onions and garlic served with sweet & sour plum sauce --- A favorite of our guests and most requested. $5.00
- Vietnamese Spring Rolls: 2 pieces of Eggroll Soft wrap with a combination of chicken, silver noodles, cucumber, mint or cilantro or lettuce served with a special cilantro peanut sauce. Not just an ordinary eggroll and it?s good. --- $5.00
- Satay: 2 skewered pieces of tender beef or chicken marinated in Asian spices and grilled to perfection. Serve with cucumber and peanut sauce. ---$5.00
- Potato & Apple Salad: A medley of Potatoes, Delicious Apples, Celery, Carrot
mixed with light mayo and spices laid on a bed of lettuce. A hearty and refreshing salad ---$5.00
- Out of Asia Fusion: A sampler of 1 of each from the above: Shanghai Roll, Vietnamese Spring Roll. Satay, and Salad ---$10.00


Location: OUT OF ASIA
3249 South La Cienega Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90016
phone:[masked] or[masked]

Just South where Fairfax and La Cienega Merge
South of 10 Fwy between Washington and Jefferson..

Parking: Behind Warehouse, all along Washington and La Cienega Blvd

Parking tips from the venue:
At our Back, Side and Front of the showroom, we can accommodate 40-60 self park cars and perhaps with valet up to 100. Outside our east gate there?s a security guard that charges $5.00 per car. There is plenty of public parking on LaCienega Blvd., Blackwelder (a block away).

Learn more here:

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