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Meet the CTO of NYC, Creator of MySQL, & CEO of Couchbase at Database Camp, free conference at the UN in NYC (+ free lunch, snacks, coffee, swag....)

From: James G.
Sent on: Friday, June 3, 2016, 4:04 PM
Come to the United Nations headquarters in NYC and meet the Creator of MySQL, the CEO of Couchbase, the CTO of the City of New York and many other data-disruptors such as the CTO of Grindr and CEOs of CartoDB, Sisense, NuoDB and Blazegraph.

They will all be speaking at Database Camp, a completely-free conference at the UN on Sunday, July 10, 2016, with included lunch (standard, kosher or vegan), coffee & snacks and lots of swag giveaways!

Only a few tickets remain, REGISTER NOW! Full info on Meetup:

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