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Re: [beer-127] beer? fattening?

From: Jaime & C.
Sent on: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 6:28 PM
Gotta agree here. Love my beer, but abdominal obesity is a consequence of overindulgence without something to compensate. But hey, some people live short but fully.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 28,[masked]:08 PM
Subject: Re: [beer-127] beer? fattening?

Well considering that alcohol is 7.1 calories per gram, which is only rivaled by fat at 9 calories per gram, then that does not do much to support your "Its the chips stupid" argument. ?Yes I understand that?alcohol's caloric potential?is processed differently in the body, but when you add carbohydrates/food to the mix it no doubt makes alcohols calorie effects worse.... ?Meaning, when you add alcohol to food, it easily allows you to consume > 1000 calories per meal... ?If you drink it by itself, then you get a catabolic response (cortisol rise) out of it, which simply moves fat from other places in your body to the abdominal area... ?Speaking of which.....

Secondly, did I mention that alcohol is the leading cause of central (abdominal) obesity, which dramatically increases your risks for heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, etc...?? How about that it also can create a hypercortisol condition leading to premature aging??? ?In fact, most of us can probably pick out in a crowd heavy drinkers by simply looking at the premature aging effects (thin skin primarily) on their face due to alcohol abuse....

Third, did I mention that alcohol metabolism also contributes to testicular injury and distrupts catabolic/anabolic hormone creation of the adrenals? ?This no doubt also can disrupt the thyroid metabolic process as well...

In short... I love my beer as much as the next guy, but please do not fool yourself into thinking that it will not make you fat or that it is good for you. ?Studies can be made to justify anything you like, but reality is that typically when something tastes really good, it normally is not the best thing for you to have. ? An unfortunate reality of life which I for one will gladly accept!!... In moderation, of course... :) ?

On Aug 28, 2008, at 5:19 PM, Jeanine wrote:

For many years, I've been told that beer is fattening, I decided to look this up on the internet.
I hardly came up on any truth to these claims.

But, I did come upon an interesting Q&A page on beer:

Is beer fattening? How much is to much to consume in one day if you don't want weight gain?

It's the chips, stupid

What's everyone's outlook on this?

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