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Amazon's UX Manager is Coming to Town

From: J. C.
Sent on: Monday, April 7, 2014, 8:34 AM
Hey everyone,

In case you hadn’t heard, Nick Finck  Senior Manager of User Experience for Amazon Web Services will be speaking to the AWDG on April 24th. 

This talk is about the little details we see in apps and websites we use every day, but often fail to notice. We fail to notice them because they provide for a much smoother user experience. You will learn how to design for these experiences even with a tight deadline and within an agile workflow. After this presentation you’ll never look at another app or website the same again. 

It’ll be at MailChimp HQ, is just $15, and includes food and drinks! 

Don’t miss it: Get details and RSVP Here

See you there!

- J.

J Cornelius

President - Nine Labs
1736 Defoor Place
Atlanta, GA 30318
office:[masked].NINE (6463)
twitter: @ninelabs

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