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New Meetup: I'm going to need a drink - The Hideout Pub

From: elizabeth
Sent on: Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 9:36 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Austin Beer Meetup Group!

What: I'm going to need a drink - The Hideout Pub

When: Wednesday, May 5,[masked]:30 PM

Hideout Pub
12169 N. MOPAC
Austin, TX 78758

I know this one is up north & way too early for some, but my purely selfish side is wanting to grab a drink as near to my work as possible & I've heard good things about this little hidden treasure of a bar. Happy hour is from 3-7 so we'll be able to get a good 90 minutes of cheap drinking in (for those who can/want feel free to get a head start) before we continue on with some more drinking. If work (or any 'ol general thing) has been running you silly come on out and have a drink with us.

Learn more here: