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RE: [BangalorePhotoFreaks] How about some action.....

From: Sheetal J.
Sent on: Friday, November 29, 2013, 9:46 AM
Hi Sandeep,
sounds interesting, I wud like to be a part of it. Let me know the dates


From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [BangalorePhotoFreaks] How about some action.....
Date: Thu, 28 Nov[masked]:05:11 -0500

Hi Freaks,
How about some action photography... Can u imagine a situation like this....
"The environment is that of a Mela.....
Its a village and you are surrounded by a lot of farmers and kids dressed in there best dresses..
We have small circus happening, lots of sweets being sold in shops...
The light goes down during the evening and Mela is lit up by flood lights....
Lots of shor sharaba happening around you.....
And suddenly you find that there two pairs of Bulls racing towards you...."

What would you do...... Click pictures of the bull or run for your life.......
Guys, we have done this, been there, taken pictures and still we are alive....
Then I was able to get these-


For people who don't use Facebook.... Check them on

Ru ready for a 2 day weekend journey to experience this all through out Dec and Jan.....
Need to know how many are really interested..... reply guys.....
Have a nice day....


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