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[Bend-Arduino-Group] Third and Final Announcement: Arduino Introductory Class Starting Jan 20 for Newcomers to Arduino

From: David R.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 15, 2014, 5:35 PM
Inboxx David Robson via Jan 10 (5 days ago) to Bend-Arduino-G.

Third and Final Announcement: Arduino Introductory Class Starting Jan 20 for Newcomers to Arduino

Bend Arduino Group Members:

There are still a couple of spaces available in this class

Announcing a new Arduino Introductory Class starting Monday January 20 to be held
at TechSpace, 141 Greenwood Ave, Suite 100 at 6 PM.

The class consist of three 2-hour sessions. Many people have joined the Bend Arduino group since
our last Arduino Introductory Class. This class is scheduled for the many new members of the
 Bend Arduino Group and designed to help everyone getting started with the fabulous Arduino ecosystem.
This class is offered only to Bend Arduino Group Members and the class size will be limited to 10 students.
If necessary an additional class will be held in February.
Schedule for the three classes are: Monday, Jan 20, 6 PM Monday, Jan 27, 6 PM Monday, Feb 3, 6 PM

Location: TechSpace, 141 Greenwood, Suite 100

Goals for the class are: a) Learn to setup Arduino b) Learn how to program the Arduino Board c) Where to find the best Arduino resources (books, web sites, online tutorials etc). d) Ultimately, be able to build unique useful electronic devices of your own creation. The necessary requirements for the class are: Laptop computer running Windows, Mac or Linux. Arduino Board (Arduino Uno recommended) USB cable (A-B) Solderless Breadboard and jumper wires (You may want to purchase one of the Arduino Starter Kits available on the market.) Cost of the 6-hour program is $10. This money will be used to help pay for the Arduino Group website.
How to Sign up: Send an Email to [[address removed]] indicating your interest in enrolling in the
Arduino Introductory Course
and be prepared to pay ($10) for the class at the first session.
The class will be limited to 10 participants only.
I will send you a confirmation by return email. David Robson Organizer Bend Arduino Group Arduino Background: Arduino is a complete ecosystem to create novel useful electronic devices easily. Arduino is an open-source
electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists,
designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. Arduino is an
 embedded microcontroller best used for a dedicated purpose with an easy interface to the physical world.
One-million Arduino units sold world-wide in 7 years. Arduino can sense the environment by receiving input
from a variety of sensors and can affect its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators.
The microcontroller on the board is programmed using the Arduino programming language
(based on the C language) and the Arduino integrated development environment (IDE).
Arduino projects can be stand-alone or they can communicate with software running on a computer such as
Arduino is an exceptional platform for teaching the basics of programing and basic electronics because
it allows the student to see immediate results of their work. Arduino is a platform that provides insight into
technology because it is made up of strong components of programming and basic electronics.

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