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New Meetup: Impromptu Movie Outing - Inception

From: Amanda
Sent on: Wednesday, August 4, 2010, 10:46 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Greater Boston Asian Professionals Meetup Group!

What: Impromptu Movie Outing - Inception

When: Friday, August 6,[masked]:45 PM

Where: AMC Boston Common 19
175 Tremont street
Boston, MA 02111
1-888-AMC 4FUN [masked])

Anyone still hasn't seen Inception yet? Or do you like it so much that you want to see it for a second time?

We will be meeting up at the AMC Boston Common for the 7:30 IMAX experience showing this Friday.

Please arrive at the theatre by 6:45pm to allow time to purchase a ticket. We will go inside and get seated promptly at 7pm.

Note: Some organizers are planning to grab a quick bite in Chinatown before the movie. Please indicate your interest when you sign up for the event. We will notify you once we have chosen a restaurant.

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