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Upcoming Local Events related to Data, Analytics, Startups, et al.

From: John V.
Sent on: Sunday, December 15, 2013, 5:59 PM

Hi Folks,

Below are upcoming data and analytic events that I've come across for the rest of December and into January.

An addendum to last week is that for the MIT Big Data Challenge at least one member needs to be affiliated with MIT.  I spoke with them, and they may add a section to their website for individuals who are looking for teams / sponsors.  When I hear something I will update the group.


Also, links to Meetup's Calendar and Group search.  Note that these links will show a Calendar for Groups you have joined. Please see the "Groups" tab in upper-right to see related Data or Startups Groups.

Meetup page for the above list:


Best Regards,


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