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911 For Dogs

From: Patrick P.
Sent on: Saturday, July 10, 2010, 8:45 AM
Hi All!

Just got back from a trip to North Carolina, and this message from Eric about the 911 for dogs meetup idea was in my inbox, so I am sharing it with you first before I schedule it to get your feedback on day/time, etc.

Please let me know what you think, and I will pass it on to Eric and/or schedule it.

Also, the fee's listed are Eric's, not mine.

"From Eric:

How about July 24th From 8:30 am to Noon
Classes are in Golden.

There are a few different prices depending on what items they want:

Bronze package = $45.00 First Aid and CPR class, student participation packet, and a Quick First Aid Guide.

Silver Package = $ 50.00 First Aid and CPR class, student participation packet, and a Quick Firsd Aid Guide, and a American REd Cross First Aid Wallet Card

Gold Package = $ 60.00 First Aid and CPR class, student participation packet, and a Quick Firsd Aid Guide, and a American REd Cross First Aid Wallet Card and a CPR for Canines T Shirt.

**For couplesTwo people can attend the class for an additional $25.

Let me know if that date will work and I can set up a special page on the web site. Also I would be glad to Link your page on my site if you would like to send me a photo of something that identifies the group. "

Thank You!



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