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What does it mean to be a genius...?

From: Max L.
Sent on: Sunday, August 16, 2015, 4:43 PM


Dear friends,

Here is my thought for the week for you to ponder, and maybe to go out and live it, if it resonates with you...

To be a genius is to be able to see all the options available to you and be able to say no to all of them except the one that reflects who you are...

Then it's about being able to hold on to that choice even when the outer world doesn't show any sign of your inner vision and everybody seems to be so eager to remind you of that...

And finally, being a genius is about letting go of that vision, after you have become all that you needed to be through it, and it's time for you to move on...


~ Massimiliano Leone (Conscious Living Dublin founder & Organizer)



On the six of September we will be back from our summer break, to host a very special event:

SATSANG WITH KOSI - To Experience the Lasting Happiness and Freedom that Never Goes Away

When: Sunday September 6 (4pm)

Where: The Lanthern (Dublin)

Contribution: 15euro at the door

It is very simple, and it may be the challenge of a lifetime, to discover for yourself that true and lasting happiness can be fully realised to in every moment. Even in the midst ofthe pain we be experiencing in life.

Purpose of this evening is to have a direct experience of the happiness and freedom that never comes and goes..." - Kosi

Satsand with Kosi - To watch this videoCLICK HERE!


Satsand with Kosi for kids (Czech Republic) - To watch this videoCLICK HERE!


For more information, or to change your RSVPCLICK HERE!

We hope to see you all there!!


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