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Housekeeping! The latest in Seattle-area content strategy

From: James C.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 20, 2010, 4:28 PM
Howdy! Glad so many people could make it out to see Kristina Halvorson when she was here. As she exhorted, let's keep it going.

1) I've scheduled the next meetup for Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 7:30pm. The location isn't set yet, nor is the agenda, but I did make it a recurring meetup for the third Thursday of each month.

2) Here's the Twitter list that follows everyone who responded to my request for Twitter handles:

Not on the list? Send me your Twitter username and I'll add you.

Proposed hashtag for on-Twitter discussions: #cssea

3) As always, spread the word. I'd like our monthly meetups to become half networking, half discussion, and the more cohtent professionals we bring into the fold the better.

4) Suggestions for venues, topics, other activities? Send me an email.

Thanks, everyone!


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