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From: Keith B.
Sent on: Sunday, August 5, 2012, 6:04 PM
Hi, everyone. I'd like to invite you to visit my new blog, (https://www.techhu...­), a place to discuss the human aspects of software engineering and how they affect project success and developer happiness.

The first post is an article and podcast of an interview with Corey Haines, who, after an unpleasant chapter in his work life, decided to do something way outside-the-box -- he embarked on a pair programming journey, driving around the continent to pair program with other developers, asking only for room and board. Along the way he picked up a lot of insights, some of which are shared with us in the podcast and article.

The welcome page is at https://www.techhu...­, and the post about Corey is at https://www.techhu...­.

I'm looking for new content; if you have any insights, experiences, or stories about human issues in software development you'd like to share, please get in touch with me. Perspectives of non-developers (HR, management, executives, etc.) on developers might also be enlightening, and could lead to better mutual understanding.


Keith Bennett­

P.S. I'm primarily a Rubyist but these issues are, I believe, common to all of us.