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New Meetup: Real Estate Investing -network, knowledge, very special tools find properties

From: Genie B.
Sent on: Friday, January 2, 2009, 3:38 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for DFW Real Estate Investing -a high technology approach!!

What: Real Estate Investing -network, knowledge, special tools to get the edge...

When: January 8,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: The goals of this meetup are:
1) Meet and network with investors, potential investors and related professionals
2) Educate investors in Real Estate investing --techniques, strategies, types of investments, timing, etc.
3) Share experience and lessons learned.
Feel free to bring opportunities you would like advice on or evaluation of.
4) Introduce my custom "software data-mining" approach that, in my opinion, drastically enhances one's ability to locate the best real estate purchase values.

Regarding #4, please feel free to visit my website to try the proto-type version of my custom software system. No, it's not perfect, but a) I believe even the flawed prototype version offers imense value --please try it and decide, and b) at the meetup, we will discuss the next (production) version I hope to soon have ready.

If I've lost you... Here is a brief synopsis of what my to systems do:
The goal of the 1st system is to automatically search the MLS (realtor's Multiple Listing Service for North Texas), and do an automated analysis on each property to evaluate it against Market "flip"value and rental cash flow. It also takes into account factors such as area quality/demographics when profiling the property for investment purposes.

The result is that out of tens of thousands of listed properties, the goal of the system is to identify only the very best investments on the market.

Sounds like science fiction --too good to be true?
Come to our meetup, or call me to schedule a private discussion/demonstration and decide for your self!

The 2nd system tracks HUD foreclosures specifically.
If you've ever bought a HUD foreclosure, you will really appreciate this system.
In short, it's goals are to identify the best HUD values, track a full history transaction history of each property, help determine the ideal price to bid (below the HUD asking price), and much more.

Questions, please feel free to contact me directly

Genie Birnbaum
Coldwell Banker Brokerage

Learn more here:

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