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Get Started with the Right People

From: Kristen H.
Sent on: Monday, September 16, 2013, 12:40 PM


I know a lot of you have already started a side-project or company and a lot of you want to. Wanted to share about FounderDating (no, it's not romantic) since it recently launched in DFW and I know finding the right person can be a big challenge. FD is an invite-only, online network for entrepreneurs to start side projects & to connect with cofounders. I see some of you are already on but let's get more Dallas folks!

Some highlights of the network:

1) High caliber people - everyone is referenced/screened

2) 50% engineers

3) Reach - the network spans N.America, UK, Israel

The deadline is in two weeks. Apply now (you don't need an idea) >

Hope that helps,


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